ADORABLE photos! I was born in the Philippines and visited when I was in the 2nd grade. That round thing that Finnegan is sitting on, I remember my grandma sorting rice with that. Wow! Brought back a lot of memories! Your work is beautiful.ReplyCancel
Love this set of images! and in the Philippines no less! He is such a cutie with those adorable chubby cheeks and those amazing dark brown eyes! Love all the green grass, really make the images pop. Love that first one 🙂ReplyCancel
This little man of yours is adorable! Those chubby cheeks! Those big shiny eyes! Those curls! Families are going to love you in Honolulu, HI!ReplyCancel
Omg!! He is soooo stinkin cute! These are PERFECT!!
ADORABLE photos! I was born in the Philippines and visited when I was in the 2nd grade. That round thing that Finnegan is sitting on, I remember my grandma sorting rice with that. Wow! Brought back a lot of memories! Your work is beautiful.
Love this set of images! and in the Philippines no less! He is such a cutie with those adorable chubby cheeks and those amazing dark brown eyes! Love all the green grass, really make the images pop. Love that first one 🙂
Finn is just too adorable for words!
Oh my gosh!! Look at all that hair! I can’t believe he is 7 months old already. So cute!
How do you not take his picture every second! He is adorbs!
Oh my goodness!! He is absolutely adorable!
This little man of yours is adorable! Those chubby cheeks! Those big shiny eyes! Those curls! Families are going to love you in Honolulu, HI!